Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Alphabet Geese

16. Geese flying in three separate V-formations. While I watched, two of the Vs merged and became a W-shape. The third V-formation joined the W-shape, which slowly changed back into an enormous V.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good News, Maple Syrup on Sweet Potatoes, a White Swan

15. The white swan bobbing for fish in a local pond. With its tail and hind quarters in the air, the above-water portion of the swan looked like vanilla frosting on the top of a cupcake.

14. Maple syrup melting into hot baked sweet potatoes. Beyond the deliciousness: new research shows maple syrup -- the real kind -- is good for you!

13. News that a relative, who lives is Japan, is alive and well.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fruit, Flowers and a Sweet Spot for the Morning Read...

12. Sweet slices of grilled fresh pineapple that I had with brunch.

11. The driver of a VW bug who told me that the pink and yellow Gerbera daisies in the car's dashboard vase were silk. He explained that when the car is parked in the sun,real flowers to last for more minutes.

10. The surprise of finding the morning newspapers on the front steps -- instead of by the curb.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Great Seats, Warm Bread and YouTube

9. Cinnamon pull-apart bread, shared with C. and friends.

8. Learning that you can use YouTube to identify the sound of a fisher cat.

7. Watching the game from a seat with great visability.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Snow Drops, Premier Parking and a Laughing "Mock" Bridesmaid

6. Hearing hearty laughter from a group of girls from a local college. They were buying a "pre-owned" fuschia bridesmaid's gown. "It's for a "mock wedding" this weekend," one of the girls explained.

5. Finding an available parking space with another untaken space directly in front of it. Being able to pull in to the second space -- and park facing outward -- was a little luxury.

4. Seeing an elegant cluster of white snow drop flowers below a row of tall hemlocks.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Time, Gleaning a Handy Gardening Tip, a Student With a Top Hat

3. A girl waiting outside her house for the school bus. She wore jeans, sneakers, a sweatshirt....and a large black top hat!

2. A gardening tip gleaned from a neighbor during an impromptu tour of his garden.

1. Arriving at a hair appointment on time, despite a traffic jam.